
Here you will find work equipment for the work of the offshore & wind industry

Offshore - a major industry

The offshore industry is a major industry in Denmark, and especially in Denmark's Energy Metropol Esbjerg. Here you will find equipment for both offshore and wind industry. Buy survival suits, boots, rescue boots, fall protection systems and much more here.

High standards

In a modern-day life with high standards of safety, there is no place where the requirements are higher than when you work offshore. Not just survival suits and equipment for rescue. But also, personal safety at work is in focus, which requires a lot more of the generic protective equipment needed in a versatile workplace at the coast and in the North Sea. So, whether you're standing at the ocean wind turbine, on the drilling platform or on the watch ship, we know how to take care of yourself and your colleagues in a busy weekday at a potentially very dangerous workplace. We all want to go home to our family when the guard is over.

The best framework

Stennevad constantly works hard to create the best framework for our customers. Offshore is no exception. An industry that undoubtedly helps to set the framework for many other industries because the demands for security are so incredibly high. We welcome this because it is in line with our own values ​​and policies to always control quality, documentation and service. A security triple that only works when all three parts are fully present. That is why we are always striving for close dialogue with the offshore and wind industry, so we are constantly on the move to maintain and comply with the strict requirements for personal safety. 

Our partners in the maritime security and rescue area are experienced and well-known players on the market. With brands like Viking, Petzl and EMG in the back we signal confidence and experience to you as a customer.

You and colleagues can always count on when you work offshore with products and advice from us in Stennevad.

Look past Our headquarters in Esbjerg to talk about your personal safety needs.
